Gershom Bazerman
OBT at POPL 2012
Develop a purely semantic account of approximate solutions to differential equations.
Butcher tableau for Runge-Kutta 4
type Step s = (s,TimeDelta)->s
run :: s -> Step s -> TimeDelta -> [(TimeDelta,s)]
class Analytic a where
integ :: a -> a
derive :: a -> a
class Sample a where
sampleAt :: a -> Double -> Double
newtype Poly = Poly [Double]
instance Num Poly where...
instance Fractional Poly where...
instance Analytic Poly where...
instance Sample Poly where...
c.f. Doug McIlroy
where is an indefinite integral (antiderivative) of
Distinguish two Fs
type TimeDelta = Double
data Stream a = Stream TimeDelta a (Stream a)
instance Sample a => Sample (Stream a) where ...
instance Num a => Num (Stream a) where...
instance Fractional a => Fractional (Stream a) where...
instance (Analytic a, Sample a) => Analytic (Stream a) where..
instance Sample a => Sample (Stream a) where...
applWith f a b = go a b
where go sx@(Stream dtx x nx) sy@(Stream dty y ny) =
case compare dtx dty of
EQ -> Stream dtx (f x y) $ go nx ny
GT -> Stream dty (f x y) $ go (sdrop dty sx) ny
LT -> Stream dtx (f x y) $ go nx (sdrop dtx sy)
c.f. Conal Elliot
Given and
, approximate
If is on polynomials and
is polynomial then every term is polynomial!
is (approximately) a coinductively defined polynomial.
type PolySpline = Stream Poly
instance {Num, Fractional, Analytic} PolySpline where...
instance Num PolySpline where
fromInteger = pure . fromInteger
negate = fmap negate
(+) = applWith (+)
expFun = splice h initExpFun $
(integ expFun' .+ (initExpFun @> h))
`extrapForward` h
initExpFun = pure 1
expFun' = expFun
h = 0.01
-- expFun @> 1 = 2.71814
-- exp 1 = 2.71828
-- by comparison, rk3 at h of 0.01 = 2.69120
springFun = ssplice 0.1 initSpringFun $
integ (integ springFun'') .+ (initSpringFun @> 0.1)
`trimmingTo` 2
`extrapForward` 0.1
where initSpringFun = pure 1
springFun'' = -1 * springFun